Thursday, October 31, 2013

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

 The general public of today love to communicate over social networks and just on the internet in general. So it is not surprising to see that Facebook’s job recruitment tool is growing in popularity and competing with a networking site such as LinkedIn. Facebook has a user base of 750-million people and they are all exposed to the social network’s job board. It’s safe to say that a fairly great number of its user base will at least check out the new tool. “More companies are trying to tap Facebook Inc.'s 750-million-plus user base to find new employees, threatening traditional job boards” – the Wall Street Journal: Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like. Facebook’s popularity is its biggest asset in that: in today’s society, whatever happens to a person, he or she will most likely post it online. For example: an unemployed Facebook user can find the job board and if he or she finds it appealing they can immediately post their experience with the tool and suggest it to their friends, who are more inclined to trust their friend more than an advertisement for the tool. “Consumers hear about products and brand experiences from others just like themselves—people they trust—rather than from commercial marketing sources.”- Marketing An Introduction: page 143. Facebook is a threat to a website like LinkedIn which I had to be introduced to in a communications class. If I did not here about LinkedIn I would most likely be one of those Facebook users who use the job board tool to find work. But knowing about LinkedIn I can say that I will use it to look for work that is searching for a specific skill set. “Use LinkedIn to recruit higher-level executive talent”- the Wall Street Journal: Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like.

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